

--Passive voice


--Use of expletives (there and it)


--repetitive information

famous and internationally known”

safety and security”

long and tedious”

charted and traced”

hardest and most difficult”

extremely costly and expensive”

very bad and debilitating”


Extraneous words


at this point in time”

owing to the fact”

for all intents and purposes”

Suggested Revisions

Question 1

There was never any doubt whatsoever that Hannah would one day -- and not too far in the distant future -- become a famous and internationally known jazz singer who was recognized by jazz fans around the world.

No one doubted that Hannah would become an internationally known jazz singer.



Question 2

Midville is not a large town, but rather a fairly small place with a really small town atmosphere that offers a lot of safety and security to its residents and citizens and all who live there, expecially those who are raising families with small children.

Midville is a small town that offers security to its residents, especially those raising children.


Question 3

Ed spent many long and tedious hours drawing the detailed map that charted and traced the growth of the church denomination to which he belonged from its beginnings to the present day.

Ed spent many tedious hours drawing the chart that detailed the growth of his denomination from its beginnings to the present.


Question 4

At this point in time, Erin could not see any point at all in continuing to pay tuition to a college where she was absolutely convinced that she was not receiving the best education or money's worth for the tuition she was spending.

Erin could not justify paying tuition to a college that she thought was not providing the best education for her.

Question 5

Always confused by any kind of mathematical problem, Sally, for no reason that anyone could ever figture out, signed up for one of the hardest and most difficult math courses in the entire curriculum.

Sally, despite confusion about mathematics, enrolled in one of the most difficult courses in that curriculum for no known reason.


Question 6

Owing to the fact the prerequisite courses had not been taken by John, he was having a great deal of difficulty and had to spend a lot of time figuring out his schedule for the semester that is coming up.

Due to John’s lack of prerequisites, he had difficulty in developing a schedule for the upcoming semester. 


Question 7

There is a little consideration given by our professors to the very real problem that our textbooks are often extremely costly and expensive.

Professors give some consideration to the problem of expensive textbooks.


Question 8

Alex said that the thing to do if he wanted to improve his writing would be to read as many good books as he could possibly read in the time available to him.

Alex said reading as many good books as possible would improve his writing.


Question 9

Baseball has always been thought of as the national pastime, but for all intents and purposes, football has replaced baseball as the favorite sport for many people across the country.

For many people in the United States, football has replaced baseball as the national pastime.

Question 10

During the period of time that included most of February, Laura stayed cooped up in her room and tried to fight off the effects of a very bad and debilitating cold.

During most of February, Laura stayed in her room trying to fight the effects of a bad cold.